Breathe in… breathe out. Mollie and Karen discuss the benefits of yoga nidra in relation to sleep. Karen Brody has taught the art of deep rest to thousands of women around the world and trained women to teach others in the art of rest primarily through a life-changing and life-saving yogic sleep tool: yoga nidra meditation. In this episode of Sleep Is A Skill, Karen talks about her story and how she created a community around calming one’s mind.
Karen Brody has taught the art of deep rest to thousands of women around the world and trained women to teach others in the art of rest primarily through a life-changing and life-saving yogic sleep tool: yoga nidra meditation. She has taught at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, 1440 Multiversity, and many locations around the world.
Karen is the author of the only book for women on yoga nidra, called Daring to Rest: Reclaim Your Power with Yoga Nidra Rest Meditation.
She’s a mother of two boys; Jacob is 21 and Aden is 20. After a complete breakdown/burnout mothering my one son with learning differences, she made a strong commitment to move through mothering with deep rest and the positive effects led her to teaching 40-day deep rest yoga nidra programs to mothers for many years.
As a community organizer with women’s groups for a decade, and the author of a play called BIRTH, Karen have spent most of her professional time supporting women’s empowerment. This understanding has informed how she teaches yoga nidra meditation. To Karen, yoga nidra is a deep rest practice that has the potential to help any person reclaim their power, whether that power is better sleep, or a complete reboot of one’s life. For women, whose voices and bodies have been silenced and harmed throughout history, Karen believes yoga nidra has the potential to spark a level of feminine leadership that is urgently needed, one rooted in ease, listening, and belonging.
Karen is on a mission to help women rise up rested, tell a new rest story, and ultimately to create a well-rested world.
In this episode, we discuss:
🧘 Karen’s story and how she created a community around calming one’s mind
🧘 What it means to have more presence in the world
🧘 How yoga nidra lends a hand to one’s sense of empowerment
🧘 Ambien vs. nidra
🧘 Creating optionality around new paths to take to heal fear-based anxiety
🧘 What is yoga nidra?
🧘 Why we talk about this kind of yoga practice in relation to our mental and physiological health
🧘 What differs between conventional sleep and sleep using this practice
🧘 Where to practice yoga nidra
🧘 How much time should be spent on yoga nidra
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