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Muhdo DNA Health Tests

One easy saliva sample gives you access to the most conclusive DNA health profile available! Discover your biological age and take control of your genetic health.
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What does Muhdo look at?

Muhdo concentrates on a particular subset of 1,000 snips that affect our fitness characteristics, injury risks, micro and macro nutrient metabolism, mental health, sleep patterns and much more. In fact, Muhdo creates 300+ reports from the 1,000 snips analysed – more than any other DNA profile available.

Approximately 2000 genes encode for our unique identity and body make-up. Some define our external characteristics such as height, the colour of our eyes, and the shape of our nose. Whilst others (approximately 1000) define our internal body make-up such as:

  • How We Metabolise Foods
  • Convert Micronutrients
  • Muscle Strength
  • Stamina
  • Athletic Gifts
  • Injury Risk

What's In The DNA Health Kit?

The Muhdo DNA Health profile covers more ground than our DNA Lite kit. It goes beyond your core DNA results and looks at further Health Insights to help you improve your everyday life.

With Muhdo DNA Health you’ll also have the ability to access the workout planner that’s aligned to your genetic make up and a meal guide hyper-personalised to you with 100’s of recipes!

Choose DNA Health Today

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